Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Ep. 22: How do we fix the broken state budget …for real? with Adam Schuster

Ep. 22: How do we fix the broken state budget …for real? with Adam Schuster

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker is set to deliver his fourth budget address today, Feb. 2. Billions in federal relief funds temporarily helped state finances. But without key reforms, state debt will be back to where it was or worse. Adam Schuster joins the Policy Shop to walk through the simple solutions to fix Illinois’ budget.....

Nick Salzmann

Nick Salzmann

“We’ve been going back and forth with the union to have that vote to no avail, so we brought in help from National Right To Work to file everything to decertify.”

The State of The State: Illinois leaders partly responsible for a sluggish recovery

The State of The State: Illinois leaders partly responsible for a sluggish recovery

Illinois’ economy was shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic, but 2021 was supposed to be a year of recovery. Unfortunately, the policy climate continues to be the state’s biggest liability despite high vaccination rates, great natural endowments, a talented workforce, a large financial sector and a growing tech industry. While Illinois boasts a younger, more highly...

By Orphe Divounguy

Ep. 21: Incremental pension reform with Adam Schuster

Ep. 21: Incremental pension reform with Adam Schuster

When it comes to pensions, it’s unfair to shove more workers into a broken system while the General Assembly drags its feet on real reform. What if, while we continue working toward constitutional pension reform, we could give government workers the option for more flexibility in their retirement now? Adam Schuster joins the Policy Shop...