Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Laura Valdez

Laura Valdez

"With the high overall cost of living, I have a lot more going out than coming in. This is why I must keep working at age 68."

Retiree tax, double tax, city tax all likely with Pritzker’s ‘fair tax’

Retiree tax, double tax, city tax all likely with Pritzker’s ‘fair tax’

Illinois politicians are already talking about taxing retirees, adding “surcharges” and city income taxes if they can convince voters to abandon the Illinois Constitution’s flat tax protection and give lawmakers greater taxing power.

Joanne Rusch

Joanne Rusch

“At first glance, [a progressive income tax] seems like maybe it wouldn’t be bad, until you read more. Every state that is adopting this kind of structure is taxing retirement income. That’s a killer for me."