Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Randy Miles: Village Inn Pizzeria

Randy Miles: Village Inn Pizzeria

“My employees are starving, so do they feel safe? I try to make them feel as safe as we possibly can. I believe they feel nervous…. I know they’re nervous. I’m nervous."

Ernie Sandoval

Ernie Sandoval

“I quit my job in the beginning of March and was supposed to start a new job a week later. The start date was March 16, and because of COVID-19 I never started the job. “It’s been 12 weeks since I requested assistance and it’s still up in the air. I have not been able...

Rachel Meredith

Rachel Meredith

“Eight years ago, I got married and had two boys and was divorced before my youngest was 2. I had a baby and a toddler and I was out on my own. I never had anything in my name and I learned you couldn’t even get a phone bill without having previous credit. Two years...

Mike Morrison: The Chubby Bullfrog

Mike Morrison: The Chubby Bullfrog

“I’ve spoken to several other bar owners [who] are like, ‘We’re in the exact same boat.’ I’m waiting for a serious miracle. [But] I don’t think that’s going to happen."

Jada Nettle

Jada Nettle

“[The lockdown] has just really, really put a dent in my income ... a huge dent to this point. I tried to apply for unemployment. But I make $50 a week too much, and that was me only netting $150 a week."