Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Susan Trieschmann: Curt’s Café

Susan Trieschmann: Curt’s Café

“In our country we should not have children who don’t have three meals a day. And we have a lot of that. We just picked up a family of seven that hasn’t eaten for two or three days."

Patricia Hill

Patricia Hill

“This is supposed to be the American Dream for me and my family … I’m holding on to everything I can, but I’m losing because of this house. It’s a nightmare."

Katie VandenBerg: VanHaus LLC

Katie VandenBerg: VanHaus LLC

“I really like the story of how we started this business. “My husband, Ben, and I started out 12 years ago. At the time, I really wasn’t expecting that we’d become full-time landlords. For me, it was a way for us to buy a house with the space we needed, plus cash flow. I come...

Rev. Anton Seals

Rev. Anton Seals

“There’s a silence among politicians. An apathy, when it comes to property taxes. And a history of mismanagement."

Leasa Taylor

Leasa Taylor

“We’re a hospital, and we also have a primary care facility and a specialty group. We serve all aspects of the community."

Keith Harbison

Keith Harbison

“I had just built up a savings account for the first time. Now I’m fighting to keep everything."

Samantha Palya: Absolutely Pawfect Pet Stylings

Samantha Palya: Absolutely Pawfect Pet Stylings

“Before the health crisis, we were growing at such a rapid pace and scale that we were looking to expand either our space or to a second location this year. Now with the coronavirus, everything has come to a screeching halt."