Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Illinois ethics panel begins with small ethical lapse

Illinois ethics panel begins with small ethical lapse

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker appointed a former state lawmaker to his panel on ethics and lobbying. Trouble was, the lawmaker had recently worked as a lobbyist.

Chicago City Council votes to ban lobbying by elected leaders

Chicago City Council votes to ban lobbying by elected leaders

Chicago’s second round of anti-corruption rules restricts aldermen and city employees from working as lobbyists and stops other elected leaders from lobbying city government for private clients.

Pritzker signs pension sweetener bill without knowing the cost

Pritzker signs pension sweetener bill without knowing the cost

Illinois’ pension crisis is the nation’s worst. Maybe that’s because elected officials take a problem they aren’t sure exists, apply a solution they don’t know will work and never determine the cost.