Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Al Lashbrook: Benny’s Corner Bar & Grill

Al Lashbrook: Benny’s Corner Bar & Grill

“I grew up in Illinois. I joined the military, took off, went out west, lived out there for a while. I came back and finally married my wife. She’s from Farmington, so I moved out here. We might be here another three years. “I approached my father-in-law about a year and a half ago about...

Bureaucrats over classrooms: Illinois wastes millions of education dollars on unnecessary layers of administration

Bureaucrats over classrooms: Illinois wastes millions of education dollars on unnecessary layers of administration

Illinoisans pay large sums for public education, yet a large portion of the money goes to Illinois’ bloated school district bureaucracy that diverts resources away from the classroom. Through smart, strategic reforms, Illinoisans can better prepare their youth for the future as well as provide property tax relief.

By Orphe Divounguy, Bryce Hill