Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Budget Solutions 2020: A 5-year plan to balance Illinois’ budget, pay off debt and cut taxes

Budget Solutions 2020: A 5-year plan to balance Illinois’ budget, pay off debt and cut taxes

Gov. J.B. Pritzker inherited a $2.8 billion budget deficit the moment he stepped into office. Next year, that deficit is projected to be $3.4 billion1. It’s the same story every budget season. But Illinois’ budget crises could be a thing of the past if the state would adopt pension reform, right-size its union contracts and...

Pritzker “fair” tax could hike taxes over $1,300 on typical Edwardsville family

Pritzker “fair” tax could hike taxes over $1,300 on typical Edwardsville family

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker is arguing that Illinois should adopt income tax rates similar to neighboring Wisconsin and Iowa as a way to be more “competitive,” even though adopting those rates would mean tax hikes for middle-income families.