Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Illinois keeps 18 as legal age to buy smokes

Illinois keeps 18 as legal age to buy smokes

After narrowly clearing the Senate, the Illinois House of Representatives failed to override Gov. Rauner’s veto of a bill to make 21 the legal age to buy tobacco.

Illinois passes state law giving pension boost to one Chicago alderman

Illinois passes state law giving pension boost to one Chicago alderman

State lawmakers overrode Gov. Rauner’s veto of a bill that allows one former firefighter serving as a Chicago alderman to credit his political salary toward a more lucrative fire pension. The pension boost will also apply to future aldermen with a history of fire department work.

By Vincent Caruso

House passes pension boost bill for one Chicago alderman

House passes pension boost bill for one Chicago alderman

Illinois House members voted to override Gov. Rauner’s veto of a bill that would allow a former firefighter serving as a Chicago aldermen to credit his political salary toward a more lucrative fire pension. While just one alderman now qualifies, the bill could extend the perk to more in the future.

By Vincent Caruso

Bipartisan anti-corruption bill bottled up in Illinois Senate

Bipartisan anti-corruption bill bottled up in Illinois Senate

After unanimous approval from the Illinois House of Representatives, the Illinois Senate has remained conspicuously silent on a bill meant to address one man’s dominance of a little-known network of government authorities.

By Austin Berg

CTBA pension plan: Unsound, unfair and unaffordable

CTBA pension plan: Unsound, unfair and unaffordable

A pension plan pushed by one Illinois think tank fails to reform the state’s broken pension system and risks repeating costly mistakes. Gov.-elect J.B. Pritzker shouldn’t be fooled and should instead endorse meaningful, lasting reform.