Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Is this the most toxic tax in Illinois politics?

Is this the most toxic tax in Illinois politics?

One wonders how many times an unpopular idea must be knocked down before it rises back from the dead. Especially when it means more money for the state. And especially in Illinois.

By Austin Berg

Did your state representative take Madigan money?

Did your state representative take Madigan money?

Campaign finance records reveal more than 60 sitting state representatives have received nearly $15 million from the state’s most powerful politician over the course of their careers. In turn, they often give him one of the most important votes he needs to maintain power: the vote for speaker of the House.

By Chris Lentino, Austin Berg

Chicago mayoral term limits small step closer to reality

Chicago mayoral term limits small step closer to reality

A group led by former Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn is one step closer to getting a binding referendum question on the November ballot that would place term limits on the mayor of Chicago.