Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Illinoisans are still waiting for independence

Illinoisans are still waiting for independence

More than 240 years ago, a group of individuals stood up against a far-off king who taxed them without recourse. Americans honor their efforts each year on Independence Day. The Illinois General Assembly had a funny way of celebrating this year. On July 2, the Illinois House of Representatives passed a budget that includes the...

By Austin Berg

Federal judge’s Illinois Medicaid ruling squeezes state government cash flow

Federal judge’s Illinois Medicaid ruling squeezes state government cash flow

Medicaid has ballooned to cover more than a quarter of Illinois’ population, with spending at $5.4 billion, up 141 percent 2015 compared with 2000. Now that a federal judge has ruled Illinois must speed up its Medicaid payments, the state’s Medicaid payment will increase $83 million each month, for a total monthly payment of $376 million.

By Craig Lesner, Ted Dabrowski

Moody’s clears the air: Illinois under review for possible downgrade to ‘junk’ status because of debt crisis

Moody’s clears the air: Illinois under review for possible downgrade to ‘junk’ status because of debt crisis

Though the Illinois House of Representatives appears close to overriding Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of a tax hike budget plan, and thereby ending Illinois’ more than two years without a full-year budget, Moody’s Investors Service has said it might still downgrade the state’s credit, largely due to Illinois’ unsustainable debt.

By Michael Lucci

Illinois House lacks quorum for second consecutive day

Illinois House lacks quorum for second consecutive day

The Illinois House of Representatives has lacked a quorum for two straight days, rendering it unable to vote to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of the tax hike and budget plan passed by the General Assembly. The Illinois Senate passed the budget plan and tax hike and overrode the governor’s veto on July 4.

By Eric Kohn

‘Illinois math’ in one tweet

‘Illinois math’ in one tweet

The Land of Lincoln needs to end the phony math and restructure its debts and pensions. But legislative incompetence will keep the state in a death spiral.

By Michael Lucci