Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

Gary Amass

Gary Amass

“My job with Chrysler is the longest job I’ve ever had. I’ll have 30 years under my belt in May, all in automotive manufacturing and assembly. “People on the line, a lot of them say ‘you work for what you want, it’s not handed to you.’ That’s one of the things I like about my...

After mass layoffs, a chilling look back at CAT’s plea for reforms

After mass layoffs, a chilling look back at CAT’s plea for reforms

In February 2012, Caterpillar’s then-CEO Doug Oberhelman outlined needed reforms to save Illinois manufacturing jobs. State lawmakers have failed to act, and the Land of Lincoln is the only state in the region to lose manufacturing jobs since.

By Austin Berg

Rick Schock

Rick Schock

“I feel like a dog whose owner has died. “I grew up in Bartlett and my neighbor was a millwright. I broke my drive shaft on my first car when I was 17 years old, but he had a little shop and said he could fix it for me. He cut it, welded it, good...

Illinois General Assembly proposes new internet privacy protections

Illinois General Assembly proposes new internet privacy protections

As the federal government repeals regulations requiring broadband companies to obtain consumers’ consent before using their browsing history and other personal information to create targeted ads, Illinois state politicians are moving to ramp up privacy protections. However, whether these bills would actually further those privacy goals or whether they would merely bolster Illinois’ class-action lawsuit industry while burdening businesses are open questions.

By Amy Korte