Illinois’ comeback story starts here.

HB 580 fails: Illinois House Democrats lacked votes to override Rauner’s veto of union arbitration bill

HB 580 fails: Illinois House Democrats lacked votes to override Rauner’s veto of union arbitration bill

Illinois House Democrats failed to muster the 71 votes needed to override Gov. Bruce Rauner’s veto of HB 580, which would have allowed government-worker unions to remove the governor from labor contract negotiations and replace him with a panel of unelected arbitrators.

By Heather Weiner

Government-union demands hurt taxpayers

Government-union demands hurt taxpayers

Illinois government-worker unions demand pay that outstrips that of Illinois private-sector workers and propose numerous tax hikes to fund their contract demands.

By Mailee Smith

Illinois has highest unemployment rate in nation

Illinois has highest unemployment rate in nation

A new report from the Illinois Department of Employment Security shows Illinois gained 5,400 jobs in April, but the state’s unemployment rate ticked up to 6.6 percent, tied for highest in the U.S.

By Michael Lucci